Storm Safety Reminders from The Van Dyk Group

Storm Safety Reminders

Hurricane Watch: issued when hurricane conditions are a real possibility for an area.

Hurricane Warning: issued when a hurricane is expected within 24 hours. START GETTING READY!

Act Now to be Prepared

  • Flooding on Long Beach Blvd in Dec of 2012

    Develop a family plan for survival and property protection.

  •     If your home is in a potential flood or storm surge zone, be prepared to evacuate when officials recommend.
  •     Plan what you will do with your pet.
  •     Inventory personal property; safely secure all records and valuable documents in a watertight place.
  •     Have materials available to protect your doors and windows.
  •     Have emergency cash or traveler’s checks saved.
  •     Put together a family hurricane evacuation kit.

Hurricane Warning

  •     Listen for weather updates and stay informed.
  •     Keep a portable radio and flashlight on hand – with fresh batteries.
  •     Re-check all emergency supplies and equipment.
  •     Clear your yard of all loose objects.
  •     Double check your shed and contents are secure.
  •     Store drinking water in clean containers.
  •     Shutter, board or tape all windows.
  •     Plan a flood-free evacuation route, and know where to go.
  •     If ordered to evacuate – comply immediately!

Keep a Hurricane Evacuation Kit ready to go once a warning is issued. Include battery-operated radio and flashlight, plus the following:

  •     First aid kit.
  •     Two-week supply of medicine.
  •     Blankets or sleeping bags.
  •     Extra clothing, infant necessities.
  •     Personal items including books and toys.
  •     Important papers (valid ID).
  •     Checkbook, cash, credit card, ATM cards.
  •     Insurance information


After the Storm

  • Do not enter evacuated areas until local officials have issued an all clear.
  • Stay away from disaster areas. Do not sightsee!
  • Obey all curfews and emergency orders that are issued.
  • If you must drive, use caution. Be aware of road and bridge washouts,   and storm debris on roadways.
  • Avoid all downed power lines. Assume that all have live electricity.
  • Once the storm has safely passes: Inspect for Damage. When inspecting your property for damage, be careful to avoid injury.

To check if you are properly insured for a hurricane or for more information call your local Van Dyk Group office

Last Updated on November 7, 2022